Exploring Digital Citizenship Resources 2018
A topic of great importance is Digital Citizenship and Online Safety. This topic has been one close to my heart since I first got involved in Technology and Education.
I truly love to hear about innovation and digital technology. Yes - each and every day we learn about new developments. These have a ripple effect. With each new development comes new opportunities. While this is wonderful in and of itself, can be a double edged sword. In fact, each new development can of course bring challenges too.
In this post, I will explore some of the resources available through Common Sense Media. If you haven't taken a look, please do! The Digital Citizenship resources are amazingly abundant. They cover important topics such as online safety, cyberbullying and much more in a variety of formats and at all age levels K through 12.
Unit Assessments - These are grade appropriate questions on online safety topics. The students can do the assessment individually or as a large class. They enter their name and it will generate a certificate with the student's name on it. There is a handy Educator Guide and answer key teachers can download.