3 Tools for Student Publishing
One incredible thing that has come out of the Web 2.0 world is the ability for all of us to post to the web. You may have found that when you are publishing something that you know will be viewed by many people, you tend to think differently about that work. Who will be listening? How will it be received? Am I using language and terms that can be easily understood by many? These are some of the benefits of publishing to a broader audience. It helps us to refine our work. It is the same for students too!
Today I saw this quote shared on Twitter by @MansourNatalie and it brought to mind three tools that give students the ability to publish their work online:
3 Tools
- Audioboo - Quickly create a podcast and publish it online. Audioboo can work via the web or on mobile devices such as tablets and phones via their app. Posts can be tagged and easily shared. Each post gets a separate url.
- Blogs - Easily set up a free blog with Blogger or Edublogs. I have used both and can attest to their ease of setup and use.
- QR Codes - Once content has been posted online, it can easily be shared further via QR codes. In fact, since a QR (Quick Response) code can direct you to any content found online, students can share not only text posts but video, images and more.