Tools for Meetings





What is your favorite way to use technology at meetings? Meetings can easily benefit from regular use of online technology tools

Luckily many web tools can help simplify meeting planning, participation and documentation. 

View the list below - Add others in comments. 



Google Docs: Create a shared Google Doc for sharing meeting agendas and notes. Encourage people to add agenda items and ideas. 

Pinterest: Create a Pinterest board and invite teachers to add to it or create their own.

Edmodo: You can set up groups for grade levels and departments with this social network for schools. Share documents, set up polls, questionnaires, and more.

Google+ Communities: Create a social network for your faculty. They can share discussions, images, links, and more.

TodaysMeet: Create a backchannel for discussion in real time at meetings. Encourage teachers to use the live stream to make comments, ask questions, and give feedback. 

Twitter: Encourage your attendees to use Twitter to grow a professional network and to learn

Dropbox: Share files in advance for quick and easy access at any time.

Titanpad: Collaborate in real time with attendees and teams. Each user is assigned a color so that you can easily see who is editing. You can even co-create minutes

Mindmeister: Use this mindmapping tool for brainstorming and generating ideas.

Jing or Screenr: Screencasting tools for creating quick videos and tutorials. Though it may sound like a fad, the flipped meeting has much to offer. If it means bringing a better environment to meetings, it may be worth flipping for!

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